History in Trump's America: Inventing the "American Way" by Wendy L. Wall
This week we examined our final topic, “History in Trump’s America” through Inventing the “American Way” by Wendy L. Wall . Wall’s book examines American politics around World War II, an era that inspired Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.” Although many might remember the era’s political consensus fondly, Wall finds this consensus was ultimately incapable of solving structural problems with the country’s political economy and its racial divisions. Wall examines an impressive range of sources, capturing the perspectives of business, community, and religious organizations, as well as public intellectuals and politicians. These sources allow her to demonstrate that many important public figures saw deep divisions in American life during the 1930s, which led them to conclude that Americans had to move past serious divisions in order to achieve social stability (for a copy of my notes, see here ). While seeking consensus was a goal for most ...